This guide will teach you how to read a key value pair from the SPACE blockchain.

KV is available with Spacecoind or Spacecoin-QT.

Table of Contents

Please Note

With Spacecoin-QT the commands will need to be entered in the console. This is accessible at Help -> Debug Window -> Console.

Background Information

Anyone can read KV data from the blockchain by search for a key.


  1. Navigate to spacecoin-cli or Console depending on your wallet.

  2. Enter the command kvsearch key.

    Example: kvsearch testing

    This will return information about the testing key value pair.

       "coin": "tSPACE",
       "currentheight": 154,
       "key": "testing",
       "keylen": 7,
       "owner": "5977102975eb8ce29ccb4d551a3192a200b7f40dcba0b5b10048adecc6ab3fdd",
       "height": 153,
       "expiration": 1593,
       "flags": 0,
       "value": "This is my kv test value",
       "valuesize": 24