This guide will teach you how to build mm2 on Ubuntu.

Table of Contents

Please Note

AtomicDEX-API produces a binary called mm2.

If you’d like to simplify this process, use MMTools.


  1. Open the Terminal or SSH into your server.

  2. Update the system:

    sudo apt-get update

  3. Install dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libtool autotools-dev automake autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev clang libclang-dev

  4. Install Rustup:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

  5. Install specific rustup nightly:

    rustup install nightly-2021-05-17

  6. Make it the default:

    rustup default nightly-2021-05-17

  7. Add rustfmt-preview:

    rustup component add rustfmt-preview

  8. Clone AtomicDEX-API:

    git clone

  9. Enter the AtomicDEX-API directory:

    cd atomicDEX-API

  10. Build AtomicDEX-API:

    cargo build --features native --release

You have now built mm2.

The mm2 binary will be located : target/release

You can now setup mm2.